Unruly. Out of control. Overgrown. That’s my garden this year. But it’s still beautiful in its own wild way, and it’s hosting more beneficial insects and pollinators than ever. One of the things I love about both the natural landscape and my own garden is the constant evolution, the sequence of growth and bloom and seed formation, the ever-changing scene.
Some elements in nature and in the garden are quite ephemeral; if you look away, you might miss them altogether. But it’s so exciting to be present, to be looking when, for example, the Angel’s Trumpet (Datura meteloides or wrightii) flowers unfurl, and to breath their intoxicating fragrance in the night. Some

Colchicum cilicicum
appear on the scene with no prior notice, like the Colchicum flowers that just appeared this morning, as if by spontaneous generation, bursting through the Plumbago, or in spots that were bare yesterday!
By the way, Waterlily Colchicums, Autumn Crocus and fall-blooming Saffron Crocus bulbs are here, and ready to plant now!

Scarlet Gilia with Tuscan Honeymoon Dianthus
As the summer transitions toward autumn, there are still plenty of summer blooms persisting, and there are plenty of new arrivals. In my garden right now, masses of Grapeleaf Anemones are still a dominant feature, along with Rocky Mountain Blazing Star and Blue Select Catmint, Apache Plume, Gaura, Tuscan Honeymoon Dianthus, Plumbago, Chocolate Flower, Bigelow’s Tansyaster, Prairie Zinnia, Scarlet Gilia, Pineywoods Geranium, Woodland Tobacco and Red Yucca. At the same time, the Fendler’s Globemallow and tall sedums, Autumn Joy and Matrona, are blooming, Aromatic Aster has more blooms every day, Golden Lace is just beginning to bloom, as are Ironweed, Prairie Aster, Wright’s Buckwheat and Dwarf Blue Rabbitbrush.

Aromatic Aster
And I can’t leave out the grasses – Blonde Ambition Blue Grama, Prairie Dropseed, Korean Feather Grass, Little Bluestem, and Northern Sea Oats in my garden, that lend their grace and motion, and provide important habitat for pollinators and beneficial insects
Even if not all of the late-summer and fall-bloomers on my list are currently in stock, we still have some of them – and others – on sale for 25% off – and you can start planning next year’s plantings!
List of what’s blooming in Eve’s garden now
Angel’s Trumpet – Datura meteloides
Apache Plume – Fallugia paradoxa
Aromatic Aster – Symphiotrichum oblongifolium
Autumn Joy Tall Sedum – Sedum telephium Autumn Joy
Bat-faced Cuphea – Cuphea llavea
Bigelow’s Tansyaster – Machaeranthera bigelovii
Black-eyed Susan – Rudbeckia hirta
Blackfoot Daisy – Melampodium leucanthum
Blonde Ambition Blue Grama – Bouteloua gracilis
Blue Blazes Agastache – Agastache Blue Blazes
Blue Select Catmint – Nepeta x ‘Blue Select’
Bridge’s Penstemon – Penstemon rostriflorus
Bush Clematis – Clematis integrifolia
Bush Clover – Lespedeza thunbergii
California Brickellbush – Brickelia californica
Cardinal Climber – Ipomoea quamoclit
Chocolate Flower – Berlandiera lyrate
Cutleaf Beardtongue – Penstemon richardsonii
Cyclamen purpurascens – Purple Cyclamen
Dianthus sp. Tuscan Honeymoon
Dotted Blazing Star – Liatris punctata
Double Bubble Mint – Agastache cana
Dropmore Scarlet Honeysuckle – Lonicera x brownii
Dwarf Blue Rabbitbrush – Ericameria naus. ssp nauseosus
Engelmann Daisy – Engelmannia peristenia
Fendler’s Globemallow – Sphaeralcea fendleri
Fragrant Plantain Lily – Hosta plantaginea grandiflora
Garlic Chives – Allium tuberosum
Geranium caespitosum
Golden Lace – Patrinia scabiosifolia
Grapeleaf Anemone – Anemone tomentosa Robustissima
Guara – Guara lendheimeri
Ironweed – Vernonia
Ivy-leafed Cyclamen – Cyclamen hederifolium
Korean Feather Grass – Calamagrostis arundinacea
Letterman’s Ironweed – Vernonia lettermanii
Little Bluestem – Schizachyrium scoparium
Matrona Tall Sedum – Sedum Matrona
Northern Sea Oats – Chasmanthium latifolium
Perfect Pink Santa Fe Phlox – Phlox nana ‘Perfect Pink’
Pineywoods Geranium – Geranium caespitosum
Porter’s Aster, Smooth White Aster – Symphiotrichum porteri
Prairie Aster – Symphiotrichum turbinellum turbinella
Prairie Dropseed – Sporobolus heterolepis
Prairie Zinnia – Zinnia grandiflora
Princess Diana Texas Clematis – Clematis Princess Diana
Pumbago – Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Purple Cluster Verbena – Verbena bonariensis
Red Yucca – Hesperaloe parviflora
Rocky Mt. Blazing Star – Liatris ligulistylis
Santos Purple Vervain – Verbena rigida Santos Purple
Scarlet Gilia – Ipomopsis rubra
Shimmer Evening Primrose – Oenothera fremontii ‘Shimmer’
Showy Colchicum – Colchicum speciosum
Showy Goldenrod – Solidago speciosa
Siberian Statice – Limonium gmellinii
Spanish Flag Vine – Mina lobata
Sunset Hyssop – Double Bubble MintAgastache rupestris
Vermillion Bluffs Mexican Sage – Salvia darcyi
Waterlily Colchicum – Colchicum ‘Double Waterlily’
Whirling Butterflies – Gaura lindheimeri
Woodland Tobacco – Nicotiana sylvestris
Wright’s Buckwheat – Eriogonum wrightii v wrightii

Pineywoods Geranium

Bigelow’s Tansyaster

Korean Feather Reed Grass