Home-Grown Fruits for the Front Range
One of our specialties is fruiting plants that are well-adapted to Colorado conditions. All the apples we carry are resistant to fireblight and taste good. The cherries we sell are also proven successful in Colorado. Our grapes are the hardiest of any you will find and delicious fresh, in juice and a couple are good for wine. For berries we have strawberries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries, elderberries, and goji berries all of which have been chosen to excel here.
Fruit Trees
All of our fruit trees are container-grown and have their entire root systems intact and ready to grow (unlike field-dug trees). Most of our fruit trees are grown on standard root stocks, and some are on semi-dwarf. None are on dwarf root stock.
A Note About Dwarfing Root-stocks:
You may be tempted to choose dwarf fruit trees, but before you make that decision, please read the following. Dwarfing root-stocks are used to make trees smaller. A standard apple tree will grow to a height of 20 – 25′ tall, while the same apple variety on a semi-dwarf root-stock may only reach 12-16′ tall and on a dwarf root-stock only 8-10′ tall. How does this happen? It’s because dwarfing root-stocks make the trees weaker. Aside from keeping them smaller, these root-stocks make trees more vulnerable to drought, diseases, winter desiccation, and lean or poorly drained soils. They also weaken the tree’s’ root-anchoring system and can make trees more prone to suckering.