Sometimes we are running so fast that we forget to slow down and see what’s ready to come out for sale. This week we are happily surprised to see that we have fresh stock of lots of premium native shrubs that we grew in convenient, affordable 2-gallon pots. We’re making them available at regular price (not discounted for our fall sale) – read more below.
And these perennials ARE on sale – a new infusion of hardy, water-wise, native Penstemons has been brought out, including P. clutei, P. glaber v. alpinus, P. palmeri, P. virgatus, P. grandiflorus, and P. angustifolius. I have planted many Penstemons in October and November in past years, with great success.

Sporobolis wrightii, Giant Sacaton
A stunning specimen or backdrop for fall-blooming perennials is our native Giant Sacaton grass (Sporobolus wrightii). This is our largest native clumping grass, and one of the best low-water grasses for gardens and landscapes. We are bringing out a beautiful fresh crop of these in 1-gallon pots. They grow FAST!
Some more new-comers: Ratibida columnifera (Mexican Hat or Prairie Coneflower) in yellow and in deep red; Solidago nana (Dwarf Goldenrod) and Solidago ptarmicoides (a goldenrod with white flowers!), lovely Asclepias incarnata (Rose Milkweed) which supports Monarch butterflies and does not spread underground – yay!, the Black-eyed Susan species Rudbeckia occidentalis and Rudbeckia fulgida, and the deep pink, fall-blooming Western Ironweed (Vernonia fasciculata), an important native source of nectar and pollen for late-season bees, butterflies and other pollinators.

Rudbeckia fulgida
And don’t miss out on our ‘Sheffield Pink’ Chrysanthemum plants, flying off the shelves, which have just started opening their fragrant, luscious soft pink 2” daisy-like blooms with yellow centers. This is a chrysanthemum that looks fresh and looks real, not like a sheared pincushion. It will be a long-lived perennial that blends beautifully with blue and purple asters, tall Sedums ‘Autumn Joy’, ‘Matrona’ and ‘Purple Emperor’ and with shrubs that color up in fall, like Ninebark, Golden Currant, Jamesia and Purple Smokebush.

Penstemon glaber