It’s officially Summertime. We are struggling with an unprecedented June heat-wave and very low precipitation. But along with the heat, sun and lack of significant rainfall, there are some wonderful things happening that we can appreciate and be grateful for, like the bold, stand-out colors of summer blooms! Of the summer-blooming perennials we grow, both native and non-native, many are in bud or starting to bloom, are looking great and are ready now to bring out for sale. They ALL provide important sustenance for our pollinators, from tiny native bees, wasps and flies, to bumblebees, butterflies, and hummingbirds! And most are in 4” ‘deep pots’, easier to establish in the heat of the summer!
Some that we’re adding this week:
Tall Garden Phlox varieties ‘Nikki’, ‘Starfire’ and ‘Laura’
Monarda (Beebalm) ‘Balmy Purple’
‘Coronado’ Orange Hyssop – Agastache aurantiaca ‘Coronado’
Bloody Cranesbill – Geranium sanguineum
Lance-leaf Coreopsis ‘Sterntaler’ yellow w/ red ring
Purple Cluster-Top – Verbena bonariensis
‘John Proffitt/Table Mt.’ Hardy Iceplant – purple Delosperma
Sweet Coneflower – Rudbeckia subtomentosa
‘Walker’s Low’ Catmint – Nepeta hybrid
‘Alert’ Red New England Aster
‘Goblin’ Dwarf Blanketflower
Yarrow – Paprika (scarlet), Cerise Queen (magenta)
Delphinium ‘Millenium Dwarf Stars’ – pick your color!
‘Becky’ Shasta Daisy
Prairie Coneflower/Mexican Hat – the yellow, the dark red, and the yellow perennial
Tennessee Coneflower – Echinacea tennesseensis
Black-eyed Susans – Rudbeckia fulgida, R. missouriensis
Blazing Stars/Gayfeathers – Monarda ligulistylis, M. pycnostachya, M. punctata
Bronze Fennel
Ipomopsis rubra – Standing Cypress, Scarlet Gilia (towers of scarlet!)
Western Ironweed – Vernonia baldwinii
Prairie Ironweed – Vernonia fasciculata
‘Fireworks’ Goldenrod
…….. And that’s just the NEW plants!