Purple Smokebush
Every so often, one of the trees or shrubs we’ve grown or received from a grower displays interesting twists, bends, curves or dwarfing that suggest the character of Bonsai specimens, but much bigger. Mikl has been collecting and cultivating these ‘Macro Bonsai’ for quite a few years. We have some available for sale right now.

New Mexico Privet
About five years ago, Mikl began potting some of them in attractive, large, frost-resistant ceramic pots. Being an expert arborist, Mikl has been pruning and shaping these specimens over the years.These character trees and large shrubs have been held in these pots, outdoors, for at least three winters.
Maintenance: water daily in hot summer; 1-3 times a week in spring and fall; water twice a month in winter when the soil is not frozen.
Fertilize once a year with a half cup of granular organic fertilizer (scratch into soil and water) or two tablespoons of a liquid organic fertilizer in a gallon of water.

Winter insulation: roots are less cold-hardy than branches, so it is important to insulate the pot in the winter. Trash bags, loosely filled with dry leaves, tied around the pot; or multiple layers of bubble wrap; or any sealed insulation. Leave the top open for watering.
These are tough, resilient plants that could live 10 years in a pot; but they will die if you don’t care for them. No Guarantees, No Returns
Mikl has kept a beautiful ‘Macro Bonsai’ Russian Hawthorn alive outdoors in a pot for 10 years.

Ussurian Pear