Lots of Fruit Trees: the best cherries, plums and apples for the Front Range!
Lots of Berry Bushes:
Gooseberries: Hinomaki Red, Pixwell, Captivator
Currants: Imperial White – great flavor!, Gwen’s Buffalo Currant, and more
Nanking Cherries – Orient, Black-fruited
Lots of great water-wise shrubs, many native!:
Fernbush (Chamaebatieria millifolia) native Plant Select!
Seaberry (Hippophae rhamnoides) – High Vitamin C berries
Western Snowberry – native, white berries, likes shade
Guernsey Emerald Green native creeping juniper – Plant Select
Artemisia Wormwood ‘Leprechaun’ Plant Select!
Rock Spirea (Holodiscus dumosus) xeric native, supports beneficial insects
Mountain Ninebark (Physocarpus montanus )native, part-shade
Lilacs – at least 12 great, fragrant varieties!!!
Viburnums – many varieties
Soongari Rockspray Cotoneaster – Plant Select!
Potentillas – native, many selections
Boxwoods – Hardiest types!
Forsythia – best two varieties, including Meadowlark
Western Bigsage (Artemisia tridentata) fragrant and super-tough native!
Yucca glauca and Y. baccata – both native!
Hardy Manzanita – (Arctostaphylos selections) Choice native broadleaf evergreens
Apache Plume (Fallugia paradoxa) native super-xeric, long-blooming