Grow Formula: 8-4-1. a naturally based, high nitrogen blend of nutrients, including 1% calcium, which are slowly converted by soil microbes into plant available forms. Grow Formula is an excellent nutrient addition to potting mixes or soils and can be used as a top dressing on existing gardens and lawns.
In Full Bloom: 5-10-5. High phosphorus blend of nutrients, including calcium, which are slowly converted by soil microbes into plant available forms. In Full Bloom is an excellent nutrient addition to potting mixes or soils and can be used as a top dressing on existing gardens and lawns.
Root Rally: 0-3-0. a naturally based blend of phosphorus, 6% calcium, and Endo/Ecto Mycorrhizae inoculant. The inoculants provide mycorrhizal support for several types of trees, shrubs, flowers, fruits and vegetables. When applied to the plant’s root system, Root Rally can help reduce transplant shock and lead to increased water and nutrients uptake.
Fruit Finish: 2-10-2. This is a naturally based, high phosphorus and potassium blend of nutrients, including 1% calcium, which are slowly converted by soil microbes into plant available forms. The high phosphorus and potassium levels can help enhance the size of flowers and fruits. Fruit Finish can be used as a top dressing on existing gardens before harvest.
Bloom: 5-10-5. Organic fertilizer concentrate that stimulates early growth, greater flowering and better fruit set. Use as a foliage spray or soil drench. It is odorless so can be used on house plants.
Fish & Seaweed: 3-3-2. A good quality fish emulsion with kelp that is loaded with macro nutrients, trace elements and bio-stimulants. It is effective to reduce plant stress and to stimulate root development.
Grow: 12-6-6. Fertilizer concentrate that stimulates vegetative growth with its higher nitrogen content. Good to help vegetables get up to size before fruiting, and for grasses and foliage plants. First use Grow, then switch to Bloom for flowering and fruiting.
Kelp: 0.30-0.25-0.15. This seaweed concentrate is a very mild fertilizer, good as a foliage spray for small plants and for plants in stress and to use in the fall to help prevent frost damage. As a soil drench, it helps to restore biological life to depleted or poisoned soils.
Neptune’s Harvest Crab and Lobster Shell Plant Food: 5-3-0. In addition to providing your plants with nutrients, crab shell meal will also help with nematode and fungus problems. Crab Shell is high in Chitin, which promotes the growth of Chitin-eating bacteria in the soil. The exoskeletons of fungus and nematode eggs are high in chitin. Crab shell, when added to the soil, helps to create a hostile environment for the funtus and nematodes by feeding the biological life that eats chitin and chitin-based organisms.
Neptune’s Harvest Fish & Seaweed Fertilizer: 2-3-1. The perfect blend of hydrolyzed fish and seaweed, ensuring a complete fertilization program. This OMRI listed fertilizer has been reported to increase yields and improved shelf life on fruits and vegetables.
Neptune’s Harvest Rose & Flowering Formula: 2-6-4. Uniquely formulated for flowering plants to increase their vigor during flowering and to increase the volume and density of buds that produce healthy, vibrant flowers. Made with fresh fish, molasses, yucca extract, seaweed and humic acids.
Neptune’s Harvest Seaweed Plant Food: 0-0-1. Made from Ascophyllum Nodosum that grows along the cold North Atlantic Ocean Floor. Use this OMRI listed plant food as an addition to a regular program of Neptune’s Harvest Fish Fertilizer.
Soil Fertility Mix: Harlequin’s blend of certified organic fertilizer, humate, rock minerals, dry molasses, land-sourced coral calcium and mycorrhizae. Great for veggie gardens and all plants. Increases root mass, top growth, soil life, and productivity naturally. This is not just a fertilizer. The combination of ingredients and mycorrhizae act synergistically to support fertility.
Compost Tea: Beginning May 7 our Vortex compost tea brewer will be active, making our compost tea with a biodynamic compost, a mineral concentrate, kelp extract, molasses, etc. Compost tea increases the soil life (beneficial micro-organisms), which can bring more nutrients and water to the plants and make them stronger and better able to cope with stress. It can be used full-strength as a mild organic fertilizer, or it can be diluted in water up to 3 times as a soil inoculant. It can also be used to inoculate compost piles to make materials break down faster. We have observed some very good results and received positive reports from customers who have tried it. Bring your own jugs, or use ours for a $1 deposit (refundable upon return).
Yum Yum Mix: A 2-2-2 organic fertilizer formulated in New Mexico for alkaline, nutrient-poor Western soils like ours in Colorado. It is made from alfalfa meal, cottonseed meal, kelp meal, rock dust, greensand and soft rock phosphate. It feeds the plants and the beneficial microbes that feed the plants. Far more effective than its 2-2-2 formula implies, especially when used in conjunction with humate. Vegan: no animal ingredients.
Alpha One: A locally made organic fertilizer: 7-2-2. It is an alfalfa-based product with a high organic matter content, very high humic acid value, low pH for Colorado alkaline soils, and is non-burning. It also contains blood meal, cottonseed meal and bone meal. Excellent for vegetable gardens and lawns. Slow releasing over a long time. Feeds soil microbes.
Pump Sprayers:Does your hand cramp from continual squeezing of a spray bottle? Are you frustrated that you can’t spray the undersides of foliage? If so, you will love using a pump sprayer. Our pump sprayers in 2- and 4- liter sizes will become a valuable tool in your garden!