As part of HG’s commitment to supporting local ecology and local economy, we have the pleasure of connecting with and (mutually) supporting small growers in our state and our region. Yesterday, I paid a visit to our immensely talented and dedicated off-site custom propagator, Sue J., in Fort Collins. Sue is a self-taught organic grower with decades of experience. She is a nurturer by nature, singlehandedly managing three large hoop houses full of thousands of vegetable, herb and annual flower starts, many of our most interesting and hard-to-propagate perennials, and some woody shrubs. And when she gets home, she raises award-winning alpacas and llamas and tends to a sweet rescue dog who never leaves her side.
Yesterday, Sue’s main greenhouse was full of our 60 varieties of tomato starts (see our list and descriptions here, with our pepper starts next in line for potting up. I the two cool hoop houses, perennials and groundcovers are rooting and rooted, and some already blooming, as they await delivery. A few highlights that will be available at Harlequin’s Gardens soon are:

Eriogonum umbellatum v. porteri courtesy Denver Botanic Garden
Aquilegia barnebyi – uncommon hummingbird native!
Aquilegia discolor – adorable blue/white dwarf!
Arenaria hookeri – CO native cushion
Castilleja integrifolia – Native, scarlet Indian Paintbrush
Castilleja integrifolia – another native scarlet Indian Paintbrush
Eriogonum umbellatum v porteri – unusual native Sulfur flower
Erodium chrysanthum – great xeric groundcover
Gaura lindheimeri ‘Summer Breeze’ (hardiest form!)
Gentiana affinis – stunning blue!
Gentiana paradoxa – another stunning blue, easy in pt. shade!
Hablitzia tamnoides – hardy perennial spinach vine!
Heliomeris multiflora – Showy Goldeneye, CO native!
Illiamna rivularis – CO native Streambank Wild Hollyhock

Oenothera caespitosa
Oenothera caespitosa – Native, fragrant, xeric, gorgeous evening primrose!
Lavenders (6 varieties!)
Lupinus sericeus – CO Native Silky Lupine – blue/purple
Nepeta ‘Blue Moon’ – New, Blue, stunning, bee-loved
Sedum telephium ‘Night Embers’ – New, deep purple foliage, red flowers
Verbena stricta ‘Santos’ – New xeric electric purple all summer, bee, bird, butterfly fave!