A Wide selection of Roses, Peppers, Tomatoes, Pots and Planters!
This week, we have a great selection of Colorado-adapted, healthy, plants.
Choose from pepper and tomato plants, herbs, flowering annuals, native and non-native perennials, shrubs, trees, fruiting bushes and fruit trees. Plus the pots and planters you’ll need this season.
Since 1992, we have operated our nursery organically, and plants are neither sprayed with toxic pesticides nor fertilized with chemical fertilizers.
Quantities are limited.
This week’s highlights – David Austin Roses Many own-root roses are being added to our shelves this week, including David Austin Roses. Arguably the most gifted rose breeder of our time, David Austin has taken the best of heritage roses (fragrance, beauty and health) and combined them with desirable traits of modern roses (repeat bloom, disease resistance and compact size) and combined them to create gorgeous garden plants. We’re bringing out over-wintered plants several times a week, so check frequently for your favorites. We have grown many, and are proud to offer these varieties in 2023: Abraham Darby, Benjamin Britten, The Poet’s Wife, Lilian Austin, Jude the Obscure (grafted), Crown Princess Marguerite, Golden Celebration, Molyneux, Princess Ann, and Tess of the D’urbervilles.
The Poet’s Wife – This own-root rose has large, rich yellow blooms, and is a repeat-bloomer. Fragrance is strong and fruity. It’s a medium-sized shrub, 4′ x 4′.
Abraham Darby – A vigorous shrub with large, cup-shaped flowers in apricot and yellow shades. Rich fragrance. 5’x5′.
Tess of the D’urbervilles – This own-root rose is a compact climber with large, bright red booms, and an Old Rose fragrance. 8′ maximum, a bit shorter here in Colorado.
Pots and Planters, and Soil Products
More Ceramic pots are in now, including terracotta and glazed pots in classic shapes. as well as Root Pouch Bags (a great, low-priced, lightweight fabric pot for balcony gardening)
, and self-watering Earth Boxes for your planting needs.
Two great soil products are now in-stock:
Premium Planter’s and Raised Bed Soil Mix – for planting trees, shrubs, annuals and veggies. Mix 50-50 with topsoil or use in raised beds and pots. Nutrients for leaf and flower growth. A balance of nutrients to grow both leaves and flowers: NPK, trace minerals, organic matter, with good porosity. Remains loose for years to come, good water-holding capacity. Important to water in thoroughly after planting. Ingredients: dairy cow manure compost, composted hardwood humus, coarse sand, pesticide-free topsoil.
Dairy Cow and Hardwood Compost Blend – Dairy cow manure compost mixed with well-composted hardwood sawdust. Managed without hormones; antibiotics not used preventively. Local fertilizer: reuses waste, builds soil, natural source of nitrogen and carbon. Spread 1” layer and work into soil. Don’t overdo it, more than 1” can burn.
Pepper Starts – Hot
Ancho – Poblano Grande
Anaheim – Big Jim
Early Jalapeno
Hungarian Hot Wax
Mulato Isleno
Purple Cayenne
Santa Fe Grande
Pepper Starts – Mild
Pepper Starts – Sweet
Gypsy Queens
King of the North
Mini Bell
Orange Bell
Purple Beauty
Sweet Chocolate
Sweet Pickle
Tomato Starts
Amish Paste
Black from Tula, award-winner for taste
Black Krim
Burrell’s Special
Bush Early Girl
Cascade Village Blue
Chocolate Cherry
Cosmonaut Volkov
Dr. Wyche’s Yellow
Early Girl, hyb
Flaming Burst
Gold Medal
Green Zebra
Isis Candy Cherry
Italian Heirloom
Jaune Flamme
Matt’s Wild Cherry
Native Son
Paul Robeson
Pink Bumblebee
Principe Borghese
San Marzano Redorta
San Marzano II
Sasha’s Altai
Striped German
Sungold, hyb.
Super Sweet 100
Tasmanian Chocolate
Tidy Treats, hyb.
Tommy Toe
Tumbling Tom Yellow
for more information on our tomatoes, read more.
New Fruit and Herbs
Fragaria vesca, ‘Alexandria’ Red Alpine Strawberry, ‘Yellow Wonder’ Yellow Alpine Strawberry
Chamomile, German
Ruta graveolens, Rue
New Annuals
Calendula, ‘Geisha Girl’
Centaurea, ‘Emperor William’ and ‘Fantastic Mix’ (purple, blue, lavender, white)
Cerenthe major, ‘Kiwi Blue’ Honeywort
Geranium, (Pelargonium, mixed)
Nasturtium, ‘Empress of India’, ‘Orchid Flame’
Papaver somniferum, ‘Lauren’s Grape’
Petunia, ‘Supercascade Burgundy’, ‘Daddy Mix’, exserta Brazilian Red
New Biennials
Anchusa capensis, ‘Blue Angel’
Machaeranthera pattersonii, Patterson Tansy Aster
Papaver triniifolium, Armenian Poppy
New Perennials
Artemesia frigida, Fringed Sage
Berlanderia lyrata, Chocolate Flower
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides, Plumbago
Delosperma, ‘Lavender Ice’
Digitalis, x. mertonensis, Strawberry Foxglove
Heterothica pumila, native
Lupinus perenne
Monarda fistulosa, Native Bee Balm
Physaria belli, Bell’s Twinpod, native
Ratbida columnifera pulcherrima, red
Teucrium, ‘Harleqin’s Silver’
Thelesperma filifolia, Navajo Tea
Thymus, ‘Clear Gold’, ‘Elfin
Plus these, while supplies last:
Broccoli | Fiesta hybrid |
Broccoli | Nutribud OP |
Brussel Sprouts | Speedia hybrid |
Cauliflower | DePurple hybrid |
Leek, summer | King Richard OP |
Leek, winter | Bleu de Solaize OP |
Onion | Ailsa Craig jumbo sweet OP |
Onion | Borettana cippolini OP |
Onion | Clear Dawn yellow storage OP |
Onion | Rosa di Milano red storage OP |
Onion | Rosa lunga Tropea OP |
Onion | Walla Walla sweet OP |
Orach | Red Flash OP |
Pansy | Alpenglow (cardinal red) edible flowers! |
Viola | Bambi Mix. Edible flowers! |
Pansy | Beaconsfield, (purple/white). Edible flowers! |
Pansy | Frizzle Raspberry (pink-red). Edible Flowers! |
Pansy | Frizzle Sizzle Mix. Edible Flowers! |
Pansy | Got the Blues (blue shades). Edible Flowers! |
Pansy | Jolly Joker (black/orange). Edible flowers! |
Pansy | Ullswater, dp. (blue/black). Edible flowers! |
Pansy | Ultima Morpho (blue/yellow). Edible Flowers! |
Viola cornuta | White Perfection. Edible Flowers! |
Shallot | Crème Brulee hybrid |
Shallot | Zebrune OP |
Viola | Chantryland (orange). Edible Flowers! |
Viola | Johnny Jump-Up (tricolor). Edible Flowers and Foliage; herbal plant (Heartsease) |