Voting for the Planet, and People
With the election a week away, we wanted to bring a visionary moral community effort to your attention. Over 30 of our local environmental groups are calling on Denver municipal candidates to work for the planet, and people.
This coalition has created “The Greener Denver Platform” for a healthy, thriving and climate-resilient future.
The Platform is endorsed by many groups looking to ensure that civic leaders make a deep commitment to equity and environmental justice. It covers areas including air quality, climate mitigation and adaptation, energy, food, land use, transit, parks, open space and biodiversity, waste and water — with specific actions in each area. The coalition urges a strategy for civic leaders to move forward that includes and privileges input from residents with lived experiences in areas long under-invested in and consequently often suffering from environmental injustice.
We’re glad to see local chapters of national organizations like the NRDC, Audubon,, National Wildlife Foundation, and the Nature Conservancy and Indivisible working alongside local groups like Conservation Colorado, Denver Park Trust, Denver Urban Gardens, Eco-Cycle, People and Pollinators Action Network, and faith community groups like the First Unitarian Society of Denver and Colorado Jewish Climate Action. Deep partnerships across differences, like this one, are much needed. We’re ALL living on the same planet.
Ask your candidates where they stand regarding a Greener Denver, and a Greener Colorado, in 2023.