72 days, F-1 hybrid
Early, dependable Italian-style eggplant, mild, creamy-fleshed fruits averaging 1 lb., with glossy black skin.
58 days, F-1 Hybrid
A very dependable, very early and very adaptable eggplant, with tender, mild-flavored, never bitter, quick-cooking flesh. High-yielding plants produce armloads of attractive, slender, and glossy fruits 8-10″ long by 1½ -2½” diameter. Ready up to 2 weeks before other early varieties and sets fruit in cool weather and under heat stress. Does well in containers.
58 days, F-1 hybrid
A prolific Long Chinese eggplant produces 11″ long glossy purple fruit with sweet, bitter-free flesh; can bear as many as 20 fruits each. The erect plants are stress-tolerant, very sturdy, vigorous, and resistant to bacterial wilt.
80-85 days, Heirloom, Open Pollinated
A lovely Sicilian variety with rosy-pink fruit streaked with white and violet. Plump rounded 5-6” fruits have mild, creamy flavor, no bitterness, and few seeds. Perfect for slicing, baking, roasting. Good yields.
As well as: Listada di Gandia, Diamond and Slim Jim.