From your previous visits in the last ten years, many of you know that our Holiday Market is the most rewarding, enjoyable place to shop for your holiday gifts, relaxed and far from the madding crowd! But these are strange and challenging times, and the pandemic has altered just about every facet of our lives. So, for a while there, we wondered how we could present a holiday gift market under the current circumstances. We realized that the only way we could keep our customers (and staff) safe and happy while shopping our market was to move it up to October!
Please join us on Saturday, October 1st for our HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE, from 12 noon to 3:45pm, with live music from stellar local musicians! Bring your family and enjoy our two beautiful, free, outdoor performances.
12:00 to 1:30 – Renowned harpist Margot Krimmel will treat us to Celtic, original, and an eclectic repertoire of beautiful tunes and songs.
1:45 to 3:45 – Be ready to move with the lively Laughing Wood Marimba Band playing Zimbabwean rhythms and melodies that will make you dance!
At the same time, you’ll be able to shop our Flowering Bulbs and Garlic (while they last) and our Fall Sale, including great bargains on plants, soil products, and more! Just as in our plants and nursery products, our standards are high. We offer goods from dozens of artisans that are Local, Sustainable, Pure, Non-toxic, High-quality, Beautiful, Unusual, Innovative, Practical, Delightful, and Durable.
The main reasons we hold our Holiday Market are:
- To bring you the same level of sustainability, quality, selection, value, service, and enjoyment in your holiday shopping that you have come to rely on from our nursery
- To give talented, sustainable artisans and producers in our area (and a few beyond) an opportunity to increase their customer base and introduce them to the kind of folks who will appreciate their work
We are so appreciative of your support and invite you and your family and friends to visit our Holiday Gift Market again this year!
Eve and Mikl
and our Super-Hardworking Staff!