With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, we’d like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for another great year, our 30th!, at Harlequin’s Gardens.
We are grateful for all of you who support us by buying our plants, products, and memberships, and grateful that our customer base continues to increase as more and more people realize the pleasures, benefits and wisdom of growing plants without chemical warfare and for more than our own benefit. We are learning that a livable world can only be achieved or maintained through understanding, respecting and working with the intricate interdependency of all beings.
We are deeply grateful to our wonderful staff for continually and cheerfully improving our service, our products and product availability, our infrastructure and the communication of our expertise. Special thanks go to Elaine Walker for vital behind-the-scenes work and, especially, her expert production of our e-newsletters for many years! Elaine will be moving on to other pursuits sometime this winter and we wish her many happy adventures!
We are grateful to be living in a place of such great natural beauty and that we are in a position to enjoy it.
We are grateful for our partners in the community, groups like the Colorado Native Plant Society, The Rocky Mt. Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society, Wild Ones, Cool Boulder and others that share our passions and values for our mutual benefit. Special thanks go to our new partners Helen and Nelson of Artemis Flower Farm for saving the day by bringing their flower bulbs to sell at Harlequin’s. We are excited to be offering their potted bulbs and locally grown fresh cut-flower bouquets this coming spring and beyond!
Today is election day, and we are grateful that we can exercise our right to vote here without interference or fear. May this one day soon be true for all people everywhere.
We are celebrating our amazing good fortune in having such a wonderful, wide circle of friends! We hope all of you enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday!