We go the extra mile to bring you special bulbs that other nurseries just don’t offer. Many of them are delightful smaller beauties at home in the front of the border, under deciduous trees and shrubs, and in the rockery. They are selling quickly, so be sure to come in to be sure of the best selection. Here is a list, and descriptions, of the fall and spring-blooming treasures for your home garden!
Crocus chrysanthus ‘Gipsy Girl’
Ipheion uniflorum ‘Jessie’
Iris bucharica
Iris histrioides ‘Katharine’s Gold’
(pictured above)
Narcissus ‘Delibes’
Narcissus ‘Jamestown’
Narcissus ‘Oxford Gold’
Narcissus ‘Snipe’
Narcissus ‘Tiny Bubbles’
Triteleia ‘Queen Fabiola’
Tulipa ‘Continental’
Tulipa batalinii ‘Bronze Charm’
Tulipa linifolia
Tulipa ‘Tiny Timo’