This is the perfect time to apply Corn Gluten to prevent new weeds.
There are simple steps you can take now to keep your garden organically weed-free all season long
Corn Gluten: made from corn, it functions as an organic weed-and-feed. It works by keeping all seeds, desirable or undesirable, from germinating. Once a seed has germinated (begun to grow) the Corn Gluten will not harm it. Very effective when used twice a year, in Fall and Spring. The effect lasts 6 months. The feed part is the 9% nitrogen fertilizing effect which thickens grass and stimulates the growth of all plants. Seedlings and other plants can be planted at any time, but wait at least 6 months before seeding an area where Corn Gluten has been applied.
20% Vinegar: this natural acid will burn plant tissues it is sprayed on. Best to apply in bright sunlight and hot days. Spray thoroughly. Very effective on annuals; perennials may need more than one application. Be careful not to overspray on desirable plants as it is non-selective. Repeated use can acidify soils which in our alkaline soils is not usually a problem except for alkaline-loving plants like lilac.
Perfectly Natural Weed Killer: a blend of plant oils and clove oil. Best to apply in full, hot sun. Spray thoroughly. May need to be repeated on deep-rooted perennials. Be careful not to spray desirable plants.
Do not let weeds go to seed: “One year seeding; seven years weeding.”
Cover the ground: if there is bare ground, something will grow there. Cover the ground with plants or mulch to claim the space. Use 3” layer of organic mulch, or 4” layer of squeegee (3/16” gravel) to suppress weeds.
Tall plants out-compete weeds for light and other nutrients. Mow lawns 3” high (especially in summer) to strengthen the grass plants and shade-out weeds
Enrich the soil so the desirable plants grow strong and vigorously. Support soil life with compost tea and/or microbial inoculants so the beneficial bacteria and fungi will strengthen the plants. This will make them more competitive with the weeds.