This is such a nice time of the year to putter in the garden! It’s also a good opportunity to look ahead and amend your planting beds and lawn for Spring 2023. Our Fall Sale Discounts can help you achieve your end-of-season gardening goals with plants and soil products that are 30% off! (Sale exceptions listed below.)
Still Available at 30% off:
Squeegee: fine gravel (3/16”) for rock garden plants, cacti and plants needing a dry crown, like organic mulches, 1+” layer helps retain moisture in the soil, good seed bed for self-sowing plants. (Pictured right.)
Richlawn 5-3-2 organic fertilizer: made in Platteville from poultry manure and wood wastes. Excellent for shrubs and trees and is recommended for raspberries and other small fruits. Economical and effective for fertilizing lawns.

‘Seafoam’ Swiss Chard
In addition to bargains on soil products, we continue to offer you 30% off perennials, shrubs, roses, trees, vines, and ornamental grasses. We also still have some fruit trees. (No discount on fruit trees, 2023 seeds, or Holiday Market items).
Our beautiful organic Fall Veggie Starts are also 30% off! Selections include Escarole, Swiss Chard, Kale, Collards, Spinach, Broccoli Raab, Lettuces, Arugula, and Mustard Greens!
Eco-Gro Compost, Soil Pep mulch, and Fine Wood-chip mulch are still available! When we ran out of these products, we decided to bring in and bag another load of each. These will be sold at our original prices and are not part of our Fall Sale.
We Still Have ‘Red Sun’ Shallots for planting!