Sorghastrum nutans
Instead of maintaining a Kentucky Bluegrass lawn, why not try an area of Natural Meadow, combining well-adapted grasses, wildflowers and perhaps some shrubs too. Such a Meadow can conserve water and fertilizers and should not require pesticides or herbicides. Like all gardens, the first 2-3 years will require more weeding, then less after plants grow together. It can be beautiful, provide habitat for birds, butterflies and beneficial insects, while taking water into the ground, preventing erosion and capturing carbon.
These mixes were custom-blended for us with the help of Pawnee Buttes Seed company in Greeley. All were designed to be very water-wise. The Foothills and Mountain mixes are all native grasses; the Very Xeric Mix requires only very low water.

Sporobolis airoides (Alkali Sacaton)
VERY XERIC MEADOW MIX: Native and Introduced Grasses
A custom-blended mix of very low-water grasses, a mix of cool season and warm season grasses for active growth both early spring, hot summer and later in fall. Mix of equal amounts of: Russian Wildrye, Crested Wheatgrass, Streambank Wheatgrass, Blue Grama and Alkali Sacaton. Four natives, two introduced; 3 bunch grasses and 3 sod grasses. Requiring 8”-10” precipitation per year; 12”-36” tall depending on water. Can be mixed with wildflower seeds to make a colorful meadow. Water regularly until established, then it will be xeric. 1#-2#/1000sq.ft.
15% each of Streambank Wheatgrass, Arizona Fescue, Indian Ricegrass, Thickspike Wheatgrass and Slender Wheatgrass; and lesser amounts of Canby Bluegrass, Bluebunch Wheatgrass, Bottlebrush Squirreltail and Sandberg Bluegrass. They require 8”-16” precipitation per year and are all cool season grasses. Good for revegetation along roads, disturbed areas and to displace invasive species. Add native wildflower seeds for more color. Sow with natural moisture or irrigation to establish. Then let it go “native”. 1#-2#/1000sq.ft.

Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem)
FOOTHILLS NATIVE MIX: all native grasses
A good balance of: Indian Ricegrass, Little Bluestem, Blue Grama, Sandberg Bluegrass, Arizona Fescue, Sideoats Grama, Green Needlegrass and a little Prairie Junegrass. They require 8”-16” precipitation per year, and are a mix of cool-season and warm-season grasses. Can be mixed with wildflower seeds to make a colorful meadow. Water regularly to establish, then it will be low-water. 1#-2#/1000sq.ft.
We also have a supply of single-variety cover crop seeds, including Medium Red Clover (Trifolium pratense), organic Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum), and Sheep Fescue (Festuca ovina).