Boulder Valley Rose Society
Hardy Roses Demonstration Garden
1770 13th St. Boulder, Colorado
This garden, planted in 1998, is both the Hardy Rose Demonstration Garden of the Boulder Valley Rose Society and an environment that delights the senses and calms the spirit, such as you might find at a teahouse in Tajikistan.
Designed by Eve Reshetnik-Brawner and Mikl Brawner, the garden includes 43 varieties of roses of many types, including Old Garden roses, Species roses, Canadian, Modern Shrub and David Austin’s English roses. These roses were chosen for their Old World Character, cold hardiness and disease-resistance. In addition, these roses are not grafted, but grown on their “own roots” which makes them tougher and longer-lived. These qualities have allowed the Boulder Valley Rose Society to maintain this rose garden without the use of chemical fertilizers, fungicides and pesticides. These roses are examples of how successful roses can be in Colorado.
The garden was designed to look “unplanned”, in the Tajik tradition: not orderly rows but a sensuous celebration of color and fragrance, creating an intimate atmosphere. Bloom sequence, fragrance, size, and color were among the factors considered in placing the roses.
These roses were donated, planted, and are maintained by the Boulder Valley Rose Society with support from Harlequin’s Gardens nursery and the Teahouse management. We wish to share with the Boulder community the beauty and fragrant delight that roses can bring to our lives. We hope to demonstrate that many wonderful roses are indeed hardy and easy to grow here, and perhaps, inspire you to grow some yourself!
For further information about roses and about membership in the Boulder Valley Rose Society, call Dawn Penland at 303-774-9452, or visit the website at To find these roses locally, call Harlequin’s Gardens at 303-939-9403 or visit
OGR = Old Garden Rose
SH = Shrub
CL = Climber
POL = Polyantha
HP = Hybrid Perpetual
B = Griffith Buck hardy rose
AUS = David Austin English Rose
CAN = Canadian-bred hardy rose
f = lightly fragrant
F = Fragrant
FF = very fragrant
R = Repeat-blooming
- Constance Spry : SH/CL, AUS, FF, dbl. pink
- William Lobb : SH/CL, OGR, Moss, FF, dbl. mauve-purple
- Rosa setigera : Species, SH/CL, single pink, blooms July
- Golden Wings : Modern SH, F, R, single lt. yellow, red stamens
- Mme. Hardy : SH, OGR, Damask, FF, dbl. white
- Louise Odier : SH, OGR, Bourbon, FF, R, dbl. pink
- Abraham Darby : SH, AUS, FF, R, dbl. apricot-pink
- Winchester Cathedral : SH, AUS, f, R, dbl. White
- Rose de Rescht : SH, OGR, Portland, FF, R, deep magenta
- Gros Choux de Hollande : SH, OGR, Centifolia, FF, dbl. lav.-pink
- Sydonie : SH, OGR, HP, FF, R, dbl. pink
- Gourmet Popcorn : SH, POL, R, small dbl. white
- Robusta : SH/CL, Rugosa Hybrid, R, deep crimson
- J.P. Connell : SH/CL, CAN, R, lt. yellow-white
- Rosa glauca : Species SH, single pink, showy foliage + fruit
- Persian Yellow : Species Hybrid SH, OGR, double bright yellow
- William Baffin : SH/CL, CAN, R, single pink, white center
- Kazanlik : SD, OGR, Damask, FF, dbl. pink
- Austrian Copper : Species SH, OGR, bright orange + yellow
- Victorian Memory : SH/CL, f, R, dbl. pink
- Gertrude Jekyll : SH/CL, AUS, FF, R, deep pink
- Theresa Bugnet : SH, Rugosa Hybrid, F, R, dbl. pink
- John Davis : SH/CL, CAN, F, R, dbl. pink
- Felicite Parmentier : SH, OGR, Alba Hybrid, FF, blush-white
- L.D. Braithwaite : SH, AUS, f, R, crimson
- Scharlachglut (Scarlet Fire) : SH/CL Kordesii hybrid, single crimson
- Alba Suaveolens : SH, OGR, Alba, FF, fruit, double white
- Graham Thomas : SH, AUS, F, R, double yellow
- Banshee : SH, OGR, “found” rose, FF, double pink, fall color
- Mme. Plantier : SH/CL, OGR, Alba Hybrid, FF, double white
- Othello : SH, AUS, FF, R, crimson
- Morden Blush : SH, CAN, R, double blush pink
- Dart’s Dash : SH, Rugosa, FF, R, lg. single magenta, lg. red fruits
- Applejack : SH, B, f, R, single pink
- Lillian Gibson : SH, semi-double light pink
- Salet : SH, OGR, Moss, F, R, double pink
- Winnipeg Parks : SH, CAN, R, semi-dbl red-pink
- Crested Jewel : SH, Moss, F, bright pink
- Lawrence Johnston : CL, Spinosissima hyb., lg. single lt. yellow
- Seafoam : SH/CL, groundcover, R, small dbl. white-blush
- Bonica : SH, f, R, double pink, fruit
- Stanwell Perpetual : SH, OGR, Spinosissima hyb., FF, R, blush
- Rosa Mundi : SH, OGR, Gallica, FF, striped crimson/lt. Pink