With asparagus and onions arriving soon!
Now that our cool-season veggies have begun to arrive (see list below) it feels like spring will be here very soon! We are also stocked with seeds for early spring crops (see list below). We look forward to having you stop by to see them.
When planting in the early season, it’s important to have a few extra tools on hand. Soil Thermometers will help you accurately gauge when to plant.

Row Cover gives you a few degrees warmer temperature, protection from drying sun and wind for seed beds, tender seedlings and transplants, as well as protection from insects and birds. The fabrics can be “floated” over your rows or beds, using weights of various kinds to keep them in place, and can also be used to cover garden tunnel frames. When handled gently, these fabrics can last several seasons. We have two types of Row Cover fabrics – Ensulate (1.5 lb.) and Seed Guard (.6 lb), both in pre-cut sheets or custom cut from our 12′-wide rolls.

With the aid of Row-Cover fabric, you can plant our Broccoli, Aspabroc, Broccoli Raab, Cauliflower and Cabbage starts EARLY! Eve has always had her best crops of spring-planted Broccoli and Cauliflower from starts set out in mid-March with protection. For heading Brassicas like these, you could also recycle 1-gallon water jugs, cutting out the bottoms and uncapping the tops, then setting them over the newly planted starts and pressing them into the soil just enough to keep them standing. You can put the caps on at night, but don’t forget to remove the caps before your plants cook in the sun.
We continue to be open four days a week from 9 AM to 5 PM on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays during the month of March. Starting Monday, April 1, we’ll be OPEN DAILY!

This weekend we’re again featuring three great classes. In keeping with the arrival of our cool-season veggies, Mimi Yanus conducts her ever-popular “Getting Started in Veggie Gardening” class on Saturday at 10:00. (Mimi will repeat this class on April 6.)
It’s not too late to get your Mason Bee straws! At 1:00 on Saturday, Tom Theobald hosts a repeat of his earlier “Mason Beekeeping” class.

On Sunday at 1:00, Kirk Fieseler of Laporte Avenue Nursery in Fort Collins, will share valuable knowledge about propagating and growing evergreens in Colorado (which can be challenging!) in his “Dwarf Conifers for Gardens and Landscapes” class.
See below for more details and call 303-939-9403 to reserve your seat!
Our organic, neonic-free cool-season veggie crops are rolling in! Our early arrivals include:
- All Seasons Cabbage
- Tuscan / Lacinato / Dinosaur Kale (it’s known by many names)
- Bull’s Blood Beet Greens
- Spigariello Leaf Broccoli
- Rapini (Broccoli Raab)
Stay tuned for updated descriptions for this year’s descriptions for Tomato, Pepper, and Eggplant starts, on our website!

Our onion plants are en route and will be arriving later this week. We’ll have Copra, Redwing, and Walla Walla in bundles.
We are also growing Ailsa Craig, Cippolini Bianco di Maggio, and Red Long of Tropea in pots, and they will be ready very soon.
Also arriving later this week are Asparagus Crowns. This year we will have both Jersey Knight and Purple Passion Asparagus Crown selections.

We have early spring crop seeds including tatsoi, pak choi, mustards, mizuna, radish, kohlrabi, Chinese cabbage, pea, arugula, spinach, carrots, parsley, parsnip, onions, scallions, chervil, fava beans, and hardy annual flowers like California Poppies, California Bluebells, Sweet Alyssum, Bee’s Friend (Phacelia tanacetifolia), Larkspur, Shirley Poppies, Sweet Peas, perennial native Blue Flax, and more.
When the soil has warmed enough, peas can be planted. We recommend pre-sprouting them indoors, and carefully planting the sprouted seeds, sprinkled with legume inoculant (which we have), in soil has warmed up to at least 40 degrees F. Peas can be planted through April. We have seeds for Shelling Peas, Snow Peas, and Sugar Pod or Snap peas. Here’s some great local advice on growing peas.
We’ve expanded our offerings of cover crops to better meet your gardening needs. Late winter / early spring is a great time to sow cover crops!
- Fall / Winter Cover Crop Mix
- Spring / Summer Cover Crop Mix
- Ephraim Crested Wheatgrass
- Blue Grama
- Hairy Vetch
- Red Clover
- Austrian Winter Peas
- Daikon Radish
- Dwarf Essex Rapeseed
- Annual Sunflower
- Quatro Sheep Fescue
- Morgan Spring Oats (organic)
- Spring Triticale
- Buckwheat (organic)
- Organic Spring Cover Crop Mix
- Harlequin’s Gardens Mountain Native Mix
- Harlequin’s Gardens Foothills native Mix
- Harlequin’s Gardens Xeric Mix
Call 303-939-9403 to reserve your seat!
Our weekends are loaded with great classes you won’t want to miss! Our customers tell us that our classes have given them tremendous value, with practical and current information from local experts who have spent years honing their skills in Colorado and will help guide you to success. We are charging $15 (unless otherwise stated) for our classes to support our speakers and Harlequin’s educational direction. It is best to pre-register for these classes both in case they fill up, or too few people register and we have to cancel. Pre-payment assures your place in the class. You can register at the nursery, by mail, or by calling 303-939-9403. We are unable to take class registration by email at this time. Most of our classes run from one-and-a-half to two hours in length, and sometimes longer for hands-on classes, or if there are a large number of questions. See the complete March Class listing below, or on our website.
Sat, Mar 16 at 10 AM
Getting Started in Vegetable Gardening with Mimi Yanus
If you are new to Colorado, new to vegetable gardening, or have been unhappy with the results of your earlier attempts, this class is for you. Learn from Mimi what you need to know to make your new organic vegetable garden successful and bountiful, even in Colorado conditions! Class cost: $15. (This class will be repeated on Saturday, April 6th at 10 AM.)
Sat, Mar 16 at 1 PM
Mason Beekeeping with Tom Theobald

The importance of our native ‘solitary’ bee species to the pollination of our crops, flowers, and native plants is receiving increased attention. For over 30 years, Tom Theobald of Niwot Honey Farm has been propagating one of the most ‘useful’ species, Mason Bees (Blue Orchard Bees), and will teach how to attract and care for these gentle native pollinators. Mason Bees are not a replacement for honeybees, but they are excellent pollinators of the early fruits – cherries, apples, etc. They stay close to home, don’t sting, don’t require the year-round commitment of a colony of honeybees and provide a great way to introduce children to the world of pollinators. Harlequin’s Gardens will have filled straws (containing male and female adult bees in hibernation) for sale for $12 a straw.
IMPORTANT: You must RESERVE your Mason Bee straws IN ADVANCE by calling Harlequin’s Gardens at 303-939-9403. Pre-payment of mason bee straws is required. Class cost: $15. (Note: this class is a repeat of Tom’s March 2 class.)
Sun, Mar 17 at 1 PM
Dwarf Conifers for Gardens and Landscapes with Kirk Fieseler
A renowned expert in conifers at Laporte Avenue Nursery in Fort Collins, Kirk Fieseler will discuss dwarf conifers for small landscapes and rock gardens. Learn the origins and propagation techniques for dwarf conifers as well as how to grow them in containers and in the garden. Kirk will talk about the most successful species for our climate and soils. Class cost: $15. (Pictured right: Farmy, P. edulis. Photo by Kirk Fieseler.)
Wed, Mar 20 – First Day of Spring
Sat, Mar 23 at 1 PM
Get Equipped for Beekeeping with Kristina Williams

For beginning and established beekeepers, alike! Kristina will demonstrate how to build and crosswire frames. Learn the lingo of beekeeping supplies and take a tour of our Bee Barn. Harlequin’s Gardens is upgrading frames and foundation to be as strong as they can be and still use beeswax. Our resident entomologist and Bee Barn Babe, Kristina Williams, will share her vast knowledge with you! Free Admission! (Photo credit, right: Red Hot Pepper)
Sun, Mar 24 at 1 PM
Building Topsoil & Fertility with Mikl Brawner

Mikl will discuss how to support soil life, enrich poor soils, and improve plant health and nutrition from the bottom up: composts, fertilizers, mulching, worms, deficiencies, and tilth. Class cost: $15
Sun, Mar 31 at 1 PM
Cold Hardy Cacti and Succulents with Kelly Grummons

We are proud to present acclaimed CO horticulturist Kelly Grummons, director of Prairie Storm Nursery, a business that includes ColdHardyCactus.com and DogTuffGrass.com! An expert in selection and propagation of rare and unique plants for Colorado, Kelly will discuss a variety of exceptional new winter hardy cacti, agaves, yuccas, and outdoor succulents, and include choosing appropriate sites, soil prep, fertilizing, and ongoing care. Class cost: $20. (Photo credit, left: ColdHardCactus.com)
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Social Media
Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the most up-to-date information and photos! We’re looking forward to seeing you this week! In March we are open every Thursday-Sunday, 9-5. In gratitude,
Eve, Mikl
and the super hard-working Staff at Harlequin’s Gardens