Our friend Clark has turned what used to be a family hobby into a full-time business. In his Longmont studio, he makes a delightful cast beeswax candles that come in a wonderful variety of shapes and sizes, including a number of designs that are cast in antique and modern European candle molds. In addition, we are offering Amber Lights hand-dipped beeswax taper candles and Hanukkah candles.
Amber Lights candles are highly decorative, wonderfully detailed, naturally endowed with a heavenly honey scent, and burn clean and smokeless.
Hanukkah begins Wednesday, December 25th. A set of dripless, smokeless, hand-dipped beeswax candles from Amber Lights contains all the candles you’ll need to light the Menorah through the entire 8-day holiday. And they smell wonderful! And they come in a lovely blue mesh bag. And they are Local. And if you have no use for Hanukkah candles, we have everything from birthday candles to 6″ pillars, bee-skeps to Buddha heads, Deco to dragons, reindeer to roses, all beautifully crafted from our friend Clark at Amber Lights.